Thursday, September 25, 2008

Giving birth to a new idea and raising it to production

Have you ever needed a solution to a need or problem and while you were trying to figure out how you are going to get the job done, a light bulb goes on inside your head and you say "I wonder if this has ever been invented" to solve your problem.

Most of us usually stop our dreaming right there, and move on to complete another task. But what if for some reason, this idea remains present in your conscious mind and you decide to make this idea the one to come to life! If this has happened to you at least once, I invite all you Thomas Edison 'wannabees" out there to read on, take a chance, and be inspired by one neat story of what could be.

Some quotes from Thomas Alva Edison:

A good idea is never lost. Even though its originator or possessor may die without publicizing it, it will someday be reborn in the mind of another....

"Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration. Accordingly, a 'genius' is often merely a talented person who has done all of his or her homework.

" Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.

A small company has emerged from just this process. It's name is Keyfobber Consumer Products. What is a keyfobber, that's the new name that also emerged for the new idea and product that was invented to conveniently organize and protect the many key cards and tags that are lost, damaged, and misplaced in our lives?

Plastic loyalty key cards were designed to make saving easier, but too often their loss or damage cause unnecessary stress in our busy lives by not having them conveniently at hand for the cashier to apply savings or points to our purchase. The inventor spent many years in sales & marketing working for several major consumer products companies and was always suggesting new ideas to Marketing for products and improvements.

But this idea was very special. It would be adopted personally, and not given away like all of the others. It would be raised from conception to maturity by its originator. In researching this story, the metaphor of raising a child compared to bringing an idea to life would be a good one. There would be the constant wondering. Would this idea/child be liked and accepted by all. The commitment and energy directed toward this idea/child would at times prove to be exhausting. The labor is just like child birth, very intense, the investment of capital, energy, time, devotion of faith and love are limitless. But when the product goes out into the real world, properly prepared and able to communicate its true potential, it fulfills with a sense of accomplish to no end!

Keyfobber LLC is proud to introduce their first new child to the world, the Keyfobber. The Keyfobber uniquely brings protection, privacy and convenience to the task of organizing the many membership, loyalty, club, and savings cards placed on a key ring. Key cards for health clubs, library memberships, hospital and medical records, local school and non-profit associations are increasingly growing in popularity. Each Patent Pending Keyfobber acts as a wallet to hold and organize up to 8 key fob cards. This easy-to-use product makes saving and earning rewards points easy.

Keyfobber hooks on to your key chain with the included E-Z ring or can be stored in a car, at the ready for the next shopping trip, carried in a pocket or purse, so you can get all your "just rewards". View their website for more information and a video demo of their product at

All keyfobber are proudly made in the U.S.A. Keyfobber LLC invents, manufactures, and markets innovative consumer ideas. To contact our company, please visit our website

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